Vikki Wood
When I retired in 2009, I returned to painting which I had not really done since taking ‘O’ level at school. I joined Penny Wilton’s classes, and have since carried on learning through experimentation and attending workshops. I also try to pick up techniques from looking at the many talented artists' work we have around Dorset and visiting galleries. The joy of joining the Broadstone Art Society are other members’ kindness in sharing their knowledge and giving encouragement to a largely self-taught artist.
I use acrylics and pastels, with some textures to make a work more interesting, and prefer to paint in a loose style. For sketching and the Society’s summer ‘plein air’ sessions, I use watercolour or pen and wash.
I use other parts of the United Kingdom for inspiration, but living in Wimborne means access to some beautiful countryside, although I also enjoy painting estuaries and coastal scenes.
Summer View of Badbury Rings, 46 cm x 36 cm, 2018
Sunset by the Sea, acrylic, 41 cm x 31 cm
Reeds at Shell Bay, acrylic and pastel
Flying Home at Sunset, pastel, 36 cm x 46 cm
Breaking Waves, acrylic, 41 cm x 31 cm
Scottish Waterside, acrylic
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