Ruth Payne

I took art A level many years ago (last century in fact) and only started drawing and painting seriously again during lockdown.

I started doing portraits primarily in charcoal and then followed an online course covering different media and subjects that I would not otherwise have tried. It made me think of joining an art society to keep that development moving and was invited to join BAS in November 2023.

I enjoy drawing and painting a variety of subjects including urban landscapes, portraits and still life using different media including watercolours, pastel pencils and charcoal. Since joining BAS I have felt inspired to develop my art into different media and approaches and am now experimenting with a semi abstract style using acrylics and plucking up the courage to have a go at oils!


A Burst of Spring, watercolour

Dame Judi, coloured pencils and pencil medium

Ron, watercolour

Kimmeridge, watercolour and pastel pencils

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Carolyn Newman


Peter Pemberton