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Carolyn Newman

I  have been a member of Broadstone Art Society since May 2009.  Ever since I was a child, I have enjoyed drawing and painting. I gained an O-Level in Art in the 1960's but was unable to pursue it to a higher level as I would have liked because I worked in various posts in local government admin for 42 years - mainly full-time and had little free time to pursue art until I retired.  As an amateur, mainly self-taught artist, I have benefitted from the workshops and friendly interaction between members in the society.

I have attended day workshops organised by the society with visiting artists and prior to that also attended workshops run by Nina Squire a local pastel artist. I have also been to a day course with Tony Paul organised by The Artist and several workshops with Stephen Foster.   I still very much enjoy working in pastel, particularly when doing pictures of animals and birds but I now also work in other mediums mainly acrylics and mixed media.

I live with my husband near Wimborne and enjoy painting in the garden during the summer and joining the society on summer "plein-air" sessions around Dorset. We both love visiting Switzerland, Austria and particularly Italy.  I  take many photos and have also done sketches whilst there for use later.


Arne Woods, Acrylic, 30 cm x 40 cm, 2022


Bluebell Walk, Acrylic, 20 cm x 60 cm, 2023


The Pinnacles & Handfast Point, Acrylic, 41 cm x 30 cm, 2018

Corfe Castle from West Street, Acrylic, 25 cm x 20 cm, 2019


The Huntress, Soft pastel and pencil, 30 cm x 40 cm, 2018

Purbeck Stacks, Acrylic, 16 40 x 30 cm, 2019

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Ruth Payne